
Getting More Done in Less Time - The Golden Rules!

Mark Ballanceby Mark Ballance "Time Saving Addict"
Last updated on Oct 20, 2016

Time is money. Sounds so clichéd, right? It's like one those random quotes that sound meaningful but actually have no meaning at all. And yet, time IS money. Literally.

Let's say you are running a small business. If you open at 9 am every morning, you will be conducting business from 9 am. If you were to sleep in for two hours and walk in to work at 11 am, you have essentially lost two hours worth of business. So, yes, time is money.
If time is money, it only makes sense to get as much out it as you can. The most successful people are firm with time. They maximize their productivity and have the most time-efficient mindset. So, here the Golden Rules to getting more done in less time:

Set a Time to Answer Phone Calls and Respond to Emails

Answering phone calls and responding to emails all day long disturbs your flow of work. You end up spending more time finishing important tasks. If your business allows, set a time slot for these tasks. For example, ask your assistant to schedule all call backs for a certain time. For emails, set aside fixed periods of time in the morning, afternoon or before you leave for home.

Don't Get Interrupted By People Who Like To 'Drop By'

Again, you need to make sure your workflow isn't disturbed. Request people to make appointments and if someone in your office has a habit of occasionally walking in for a random chat session, request them to respect your work ethics.

Set Realistic Expectations

As your business grows or your job role gets busier, you will have a lot more on your plate. This is why it's important you adapt to these growing changes. You can't answer every phone call and immediately reply to every email, as much as you would like to. By setting realistic expectations, you will start delegating work to your subordinates and you will start eliminating unnecessary tasks. Then all you will be left with are the core essential projects that need your utmost attention.

Script Your Day

Getting organized will help you prioritize your tasks and you will never miss a deadline. Grab a notepad and set one-hour timeslots. Then fill in each timeslot depending on how much you want to get done in a day. For example, if you are a writer, your daily script would look something like this:

6:30 am: Breakfast and Shower
7:30 am: Writing (no internet access)
8:30 am: Exercise
9:30 am: Writing (no internet access, with a snack)
10:30 am: Check email, make calls, social media
11:30 am: Writing (no internet access)
12:30 pm: Lunch
1:30 pm: Blog reading, managing website, social media engagement
2:30 pm: Writing (no internet access)
3:30 pm: Creative brainstorming session (with internet access)
4:30 pm: Email, scripting next day's work
5:30 pm: Family & Friends time

Remember that your time is precious to you and its efficient use plays a huge role in being successful. Don't let anything influence your productivity.
Last updated, 20 October 2016, 14:09

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