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This older onprem version has been discontinued. Please update to our online version.

Minimum specs and requirements needed to install Schedule it?

Our online scheduling service and apps will work on any PC or mobile device with a browser.

Our Windows desktop software needs are low and well below the minimum PC its possible to purchase new. This allows our software to run on low specification and old PC equipment as well as the very latest.

Minimum Specifications:

Any Windows PC, Laptop or Notebook (or equivalent)

512 MB of RAM
100 MB Free Disk Space
Windows Operating Systems

Windows Operating Systems:

Microsoft Windows 10 (32 bit, 64 bit) Preview
Microsoft Windows 8 (32 bit, 64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 7 (32 bit, 64 bit)
Microsoft Windows Server from 2003+
Microsoft Windows Vista SP1 (32 bit, 64 bit)
Microsoft Server 2003 SP1 (32 bit, 64 bit)
Microsoft Windows 2003 Business Server SP1
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition SP2
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Edition SP2
Microsoft Windows 2000 Pro/Server SP4

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2

v5 to v7 is built on the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0. This is installed automatically if not already on your system.

The .NET Framework is included with Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows7, Windows Server from 2003+ and Windows Vista, and can be installed on Windows 2000 Service Pack 3; Windows 98; Windows 98 Second Edition; Windows ME; and Windows XP Service Pack 2.

If your system does not have the Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 SP2 you can download it free from Microsoft.

Windows 10 and Windows 8 includes the framework but it will need to be enabled, please see this FAQ page.

Windows Installer 3

Older versions of Windows may require the Windows Installer 3 to install Schedule it and the .NET Framework which can be downloaded from:
Windows Installer 3.1

Using Microsoft Access File Database

Older versions of Windows may require the Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 to be manually installed. This can be downloaded from Microsoft:
Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8
Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010

minimum spec specification requirement hardware software
Last updated, 30 December 2023, 17:00

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