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Customise the Desktop reports/templates and change the tags?

Reporting in Schedule it DESKTOP/ONPREM ONLY!!!!!

Open Reporting

As Schedule It Desktop uses open databases (Access, MSSQL and MySQL) you can choose any external reporting tools that allows you to access our database directly. Our understanding is external reporting tools such as Crystal Reports, Active Reports and many others allow you to use your own reporting tool against the Schedule It database.

Built-in Reports and Program Templates

The report system, emails and email templates, Outlook integration, HTML templates, and general information layout is template based so you can customise the database fields and text used to fit your needs.

  • Report Templates
  • Program Templates
  • Data Tags
  • Action Tags
  • Creating New Reports

    Report Templates

    For reports you can create templates from any text type document e.g DOC, RTF, TXT, CSV, ICS, VCS, HTML... All you need to do is create a document of your choice and insert special text tags shown below which will be inserted into your document with the event/project data. You can add your own, or edit the sample report templates, in the folder '...My Documents/Schedule it 7/Reports'.

    10 sample reports are supplied with Schedule it to demonstrate simple and detailed event reports, resource reports, sample invoice, quotation and order confirmation forms. These can be modified and saved with new names and your own company and custom details.

    The report templates are normally stored in the '...My Documents/Schedule it 7/Reports' folder although you can choose any location to save and load your report templates. When choosing 'Print' or 'Generate Report' within Schedule it you can change the location the templates are loaded from by clicking the path button ('...') on the right of the path box at step 2 of generating your report.

    If you make modifications to any reports its good to use a different name when saving before installing an update as all sample reports will be updated during the installation. Any replaced templates are automatically backed up.

    Program Templates (Layouts, Styling, Email, Outlook, HTML)

    Program templates are used for email alerts, Outlook appointments, the layout of data in the different views, and also html outputs. You can edit the templates from the menu Tools/Options/Templates and choose the template you wish to edit. You can also edit these directly with Notepad from the templates folder in 'My Documents/Schedule it 7/templates'.

    Most used program template files

    template_bar.txt = Event details shown in the bars and events in all views.
    template_popup.txt = Event details shown when hovering the mouse over an event.
    template_event_resources_popup.txt =Resource details shown when hovering the mouse over a resource.
    template_email_body.txt = Layout for the email alert. First line is subject, others are email body.
    template_email_ics.txt = Format of the iCalendar attachment to email alerts used for creating remote appointments.
    template_outlook.txt = Format for the appointment added to Outlook. First line is subject, others are appointment body.
    template_html_index_dynamic.html = Format for the main page used in 'Full Web Outputs'.
    template_html_ics.txt = Format for the iCalendar attachment used for creating remote appointments in 'Full Web Outputs'.

    Networked and shared templates

    If you need to store your templates in a common network location for you and other users to access you can change the location where templates are loaded by specifying a new location. In the menu Tools/Options/Network, choose a common path and tick the 'Template Files' tick box. You can now copy your local templates folder to this location and you and all users can also use this location for their templates and other shared files.

    Data Tags

    Tags are special text words that are replaced with actual data when the document or template is created. E.g. Adding SI-E-Title, will tell the report/template generator where to put the event title when creating a report or template.

    Global Tags:

    SI-User = User name of current user
    SI-Date = Current Date
    SI-DateTime = Current Date and Time
    SI-DateReportStart = The start date for the report
    SI-DateReportEnd = The end date for the report

    SI-R-Primary-Name (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)
    SI-R-Primary-EmailAdd (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)
    SI-R-Primary-Data1 to SI-R-Primary-Data10 (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)

    SI-TotalReportEvents = Total events in the report
    SI-TotalReportEventExpenses = Total expenses in the report
    SI-TotalReportResourceCosts = Total resource costs in the report
    SI-TotalReportResources = Total resources in the report
    SI-TotalReportPrice = Total expenses and resources costs in the report
    SI-Condition-1 = Total events that are Accepted
    SI-Condition-2 = Total events that are Declined
    SI-Condition-3 = Total events that are Pending
    SI-Condition-4 = Total events that are Attended
    SI-Condition-5 = Total events that are Absent
    SI-Condition-All = Total events in any condition

    Event Tags:

    SI-E-ID = ID
    SI-E-Title = Title
    SI-E-Notes = Notes
    SI-E-FormatNotes = Notes for formatted reports (e.g Word, Wordpad)
    SI-E-SingleNotes = All notes on 1 line
    SI-E-DateStart = e.g 01/01/2001 09:00
    SI-E-ShortDateStart = e.g 01/01/2001
    SI-E-ShortTimeStart = e.g 09:00
    SI-E-DayOfWeekStart = e.g. Monday
    SI-E-WeekNumberStart = Week number where event starts
    SI-E-OwnersNames = Names of all linked resources, limited to first 350 characters
    SI-E-OwnersNamesAll = Names of all linked resources
    SI-E-NamesIn-?????-Group = Names of linked resources in the specified group ID
    SI-E-CountIn-?????-Group = Number of linked resources in the specified group ID
    SI-E-SelectedResource-?????-IsSelected = Outputs 1 if resource with specified ID is selected
    SI-E-ResourceAnswer-?????-Value = Resource Units/Question answer for resource with specified ID
    SI-E-Price = The total value of all event expenses
    SI-E-ResourceCosts = Costs based on resource charge rates (Calculated live)
    SI-E-AllCosts = Total expenses and resource costs combined
    SI-E-SingleCustom4 = (custom4 on 1 line)
    SI-E-Custom5 = (0 or 1, or SI-E-Custom5-x to use language file x:359 or x:360 value)
    SI-E-Custom6 = (0 or 1, or SI-E-Custom6-x to use language file x:359 or x:360 value)
    SI-E-Duration = Calculated event duration shown as text
    SI-E-DurationM = Calculated event duration shown in minutes
    SI-E-DurationH = Calculated event duration shown in hours
    SI-E-ParentID = The ID of the parent event if this event is a child
    SI-E-SeriesID = The series/group ID the event belong to
    SI-E-ResourceCondition = Only used in Resource reports. Shows the current resource condition as Accepted, Declined, Pending, Attended and Absent.
    SI-E-Condition-1 = Total resources in the event that are Accepted
    SI-E-Condition-2 = Total resources in the event that are Declined
    SI-E-Condition-3 = Total resources in the event that are Pending
    SI-E-Condition-4 = Total resources in the event that are Attended
    SI-E-Condition-5 = Total resources in the event that are Absent
    SI-E-Condition-All = Total resources in the event in any condition
    SI-E-Resource-Count = Total resources in event


    SI-R-First-Name (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)
    SI-R-First-EmailAdd (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)
    SI-R-First-Data1 to SI-R-First-Data10 (** Discontinued, use 'Extended Resource Details' see below **)

    SI-R-Condition-1 = Total events that are Accepted
    SI-R-Condition-2 = Total events that are Declined
    SI-R-Condition-3 = Total events that are Pending
    SI-R-Condition-4 = Total events that are Attended
    SI-R-Condition-5 = Total events that are Absent
    SI-R-Condition-All = Total events that in any condition

    Chart Tags:


    Special HTML/ICS tags (For HTML and ICS Export Only):

    SI-Skills = Show selected skills of event or resource
    SI-E-HTMLNotes = Notes formatted with HTML code for new lines
    SI-E-CustomHTML4 (br

    Resource Tags:

    SI-Group = Name of the group being processed in a report
    SI-R-Name = Resource name
    SI-R-EmailAdd = Email Address
    SI-R-GroupNames = Names of Groups resource is in
    SI-R-Price_Amount=- Charge Amount
    SI-R-Price_Type = Charge Type
    SI-R-TotalCost = Total Cost
    SI-R-TotalTime = Calculated total resource duration shown as text
    SI-R-TotalTimeM = Calculated total resource duration shown in minutes
    SI-R-TotalTimeH = Calculated total resource duration shown in hours
    SI-R-TotalEvents = Total Events
    SI-R-Data1 to SI-R-Data10 = The 10 fields in the General page



    Expense Tags:

    SI-Ex-ID = ID
    SI-Ex-Date = Date
    SI-Ex-Description = Description
    SI-Ex-Value = Value
    SI-Ex-Type = Type
    SI-Ex-CostCtr = Cost Center
    SI-Ex-Paid = Is Paid
    SI-Ex-Receipt = Is Receipted

    SI-Ex-Description, SI-Ex-Value

    Creating Reports

    Where possible you should create a copy and edit the sample reports and templates provided but you can also create your own from new. Areas of the reports/templates are grouped and then copied for each event or resource using Loops. All text between the Loop and LoopEnd tags will be repeated for each item.

    There are 2 types of reports that can be created. An event Event report lists all events, based on your search and filter setting, and outputs them in a list. A Resource report will output the details of each resource, based on your search and filter setting, and then all events that the resource is linked to.

    Sample report - Event CSV/Excel Report


    Sample report - Resource CSV/Excel Report


    Sample report - Resource CSV/Excel Report including Events




    Sample report - Extended Resource Details (Download this sample)


    SI-GroupsShow(10) SI-R-Name, SI-R-Data1, SI-R-Data2, SI-R-ResourceAnswer, SI-R-ResourceCondition...


    SI-ResourcesShow(????) can also be used (in exchange of SI-GroupsShow(????)) to output only specific resources in the event.

    Sample report - Chart Data CSV/Excel Report


    Action Tags

    Special action tags can be added to reports to force specific modes of reporting or actions for individual reports. Action tags can be added any where in your report and are removed automatically once detected.

    SI-Report-UseFullHours(1) = In resource reports durations are calculated for each event but only for the resource being reported on. When this action tag is added the duration will reported for all resources in the event.
  • Last updated, 11 January 2023, 16:32

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