If you have been using the file database locally and now wish to share your database with other users, and upgrade to MSSQL or MySQL, you can move your data into your SQL server so all users can read and write together. The Professional desktop licenses are need for SQL connections.
1, With your local database open you can choose 'Export ALL Data' from the Data/Export menu, and save your data to a CSV file.
2, Then choose New from the file menu, tick the box 'Do not include sample data', and connect to your MSSQL or MySQL server by using the correct connection string needed for your SQL server. The settings for the connection string are specific to your server only and should be provided by your IT support. As a guide in connection string settings this external website can help.
https://www.connectionstrings.com/... for MSSQL3, Press OK and a new MSSQL database and structure will be created for you.
4, Once the database is created it will be opened you can then choose 'Import ALL Data' from the Data/Import menu and choose the CSV file you saved previously to import all your data into your MSSQL server.
... for MySQLFor MySQL you need to manually create an empty database (no tables) then Schedule it will add the structure to this empty database.
3, Press OK and the tables will now be added to your empty MySQL database and structure will be created for you.
4, Once the database is created it will be opened you can then choose 'Import Events/Resources from CSV' from the Data/Import menu and choose the CSV file you saved previously to import all your data into your MySQL server. DO NOT use 'Import ALL Data' for MySQL importing.
Connection StringEvery server has its own connection string which normally includes your SQL servers IP address and can include a user name and password which are all set by your IT department.
A sample local MSSQL string from SQL Express could be...
Server=; database=scheduleit7; Integrated Security=SSPI
Server=; database=master; Integrated Security=SSPI
or for full SQL Server an example might be...
Data Source=,1433;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Database=scheduleit7
Data Source=,1433;User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Database=master
PermissionsFor MSSQL the master connection string must use a user name and password (or client login) that is allowed to create the database and tables in your SQL server. Once created the standard connection string is the used for all other users to simply open for normal read and write access.
Full read and write access is needed by every user, although general users do not need permission to drop or add tables, or change the schema.
SSIP in your connection string tells your SQL server to use the access levels set by their Windows login. Using a user name and password in your connection string allows you to use a different level of access specified by the matching user in your SQL server.
Timeout ErrorAs issue can be seen when opening Schedule It to some versions of SQL server, when using SQL server and the connection string is known to be correct, a timeout error is still received. When starting Schedule It a timeout error is shown but when opened again via the File menu > Open, or via a second tab to the same server, the connection is successful.
Depending on your server and network configuration 'Names Pipes' or 'TCP/IP' may need to be set to match your system settings which will stop the initial timeout error.