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Repairing a Microsoft Access database

If you are using the file database (Microsoft Access) and have any issues you can perform a compact and repair using any version of Microsoft Access from 2003 using the steps below.

If you are sharing the FILE database with over 10 users, or over an external network, the Internet, or other slow and none live links, or your file database is getting large, we do not recommend using the file database and you should use MSSQL or MySQL which are designed to be true network databases.

1, Start Microsoft Access

2, From the Tools menu, choose 'Database Utilities' > 'Compact and Repair'

3, From the file window that opens change the file type to 'All Files', and pick your Schedule it database file ending .SIP then choose Compact

4, At the save window change the file type to 'All Files', and rename your new repaired database from 'db1.mdb' to 'schedulit.sip' or any other SIP name you choose and pick the location you want to save it

5, You can now open the new SIP file with Schedule it from the File menu > 'Open Existing Database'


Common error messages repaired with file databases...

Error reading live dataset (6/6) - unrecognized database format 'File name'

Error reading cache dataset

select sValue from psettings where name = 'database'

Last updated, 27 October 2014, 14:06

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