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This older onprem version has been discontinued. Please update to our online version.

If I have a professional license can I share with Standard license user?

Desktop Product
Yes you can mix the 'Desktop' software licenses but users should all have the same license type. The software will default to the lowest license type accessing.

The license type also effects the support given. It is difficult for our team to give 1 user at your company high priority support, but say to another user, sorry you don't have any support, or low priority support.

Online Product
A company can only have 1 online account type. You cannot mix accounts, or have a combination of licenses from different accounts. Choose the account based on the maximum features and support your company needs. The Basic account allows no online changes for any user so the desktop software is needed to synchronize data with this account.

Every user you create in your online scheduling account and allow access to your schedule, either via a browser or our mobile apps, needs a license. A license is needed for every user no matter the level of access you gave them. You cannot share a license between multiple users.

The account type also effects the features in your account and the support given. It is difficult to only backup some users data, only use top tier servers and features for some, and for our team to give 1 user at your company high priority support, but say to another user, sorry you don't have any support, or low priority support.
Last updated, 15 May 2015, 08:04

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