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Automatically resize and move events over none working periods of time

This feature allows events to automatically move and resize so a fixed working duration is always maintained across a number of working and none working hours of any resources it is linked to. This can cause confusion when users see events that look the wrong size, or move by themselves so please read this full FAQ before enabling to be sure its the feature you need.

1: First edit every working resource (e.g Staff) and set their working hours, e.g 9am to 5pm each weekday. For none working resources like customers, equipment, sites they must have NO working hours and the tick box 'Exclude from working hours' MUST be enabled.

CAUTION: Any events that you have that are outside the working hours you will set will have a true working duration of zero hours once enabled. Check that all events are inside working hours before enabling. E.g. If you have an event 6am to 9am, then you set the resource its linked to, to have working hours of 8am to 5pm, this will cause the event to be 1 real working hour long should it be moved in the future.

2: Once all working hour settings are set for all resources you can then enable the automatic resizing and moving of events. In Tools > Options > Events > Working Hours, you must enable this area, and then the option 'Resize and move Events...'.

You must have enabled the software to work with fixed durations, and not a start and end date. Enable this in menu Tools > Options > General, enable 'Use durations to set the end point of an event'.

NOTE: Now adding an event, and extending the duration into 'none working time', will cause the software to keep extending it more until the correct amount of 'working time' is achieved. So a 8 hours event could span from 1pm Friday to 12pm on Monday just to get 8 hours of working time.

NOTE: Adding an event to 2 working resources will share the work between them. E.g. 2 resources working on an 8 hour event will cause it to be resized to 4 visible hours in duration.
Last updated, 23 July 2015, 13:04

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