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Push notifications for everyone on any device - BETA TESTING with PUSHOVER

We have been working on push notifications for some time to alert your users and resources of schedule changes, but with the extra ability to alert non users, or people without an email address or the Schedule it app.

With our partnership with Pushover it is now possible to send push notifications to any resource you schedule for, no matter if they are or are not an actual user in your account. They can receive notifications on devices like the Apple iPhone, iPad, Android phone and many more.

All a person needs to do is install Pushover on their device and then supply you with their Pushover ID. You use this ID as an address in the resources notifications settings. E.g. 1234567890 and end it with @pushover.scheduleit

Now when an email/notification is sent from Schedule it, it will popup as a notification on their device via the Pushover app.

Download and install the Pushover app using the link below and create an account to get your unique ID.

This service is still in beta and under test so we look forward to your feedback on how we can improve this test feature.
Last updated, 18 February 2025, 12:06

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